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PC vs Console: the final battle
Every now and then the age old argument comes up which is better PC or Console. Every single year the conversation becomes reignited by new technology or games. Of course everyone has their own bias opinion but today I wanted to lay out the undeniable truth. For those of you that wish to insight an argument here are simple ideals laid out that can?t really be refuted. Now you may have your own ?preference? but it is very simple, Computer gaming within the next 5 years into the future will still be the better gaming platform. Unless technology changes or the way content is distributed it will still be PC gaming. I don?t foresee console creating anything to rectify this statement.
1. Online Communities
Now friends lists and leaderboards are all good and dandy cough console cough, but nothing comes close to the sense of a real community found among PC gamers. The ways that teams, organizations, and clans can connect is astronomical beyond just having a website and forums. When I use to play Guild Wars, Star Wars Battlefront and Counter Strike I could just pop in and talk with people I would see on a regular basis for hours. The PC also allows using all kinds of third-party programs and plugins from voice-chat to server-browsing. The way a user can connect to an online community on the PC surpasses anything console can do. Here are just two communities that I know that are really tight knit: NoobGalore? and The older Gamers?
2. Technology
Consoles are in retrospect catching up in this department but they are still lacking behind computers. Some games are being developed only for Computers with the idea in mind of breathless scenery, epic gameplay, and large scale fighting. Even in the software department, the PC allows things unimaginable on consoles. Every new game that comes out seems to have a video of cross platform gameplay comparing PC to console and the winner always is PC. Computers can always upgrade their components when a newer faster part comes out, console has a fixed hardware set up and it?s graphics will be limited to that. The Unreal engine alone is best utilized on Computer games.
3. Modding
Many of the most-played games on the PC aren?t played the way the developers originally intended them to, they are played modded behind recognition. From Counter-Strike to Team Fortress to DotA? and a million less popular mods for every game and genre imaginable, there is a near-infinite amount of free, user-created custom content to be found on the web. Developers release their original tools, after years often the entire Source Code of their game (Quake 3, for example) to the public. Thousands upon thousands of custom maps, campaigns, models and game modes are released every month, taking more time then the developers themselves did on the first game, without any interference from the publishers or developers of the original game.There are whole communities devoted to modding and teaching the trade to other games for more content then the mind can imagine. Modding can keep a game alive way past its expiration date and has done so for many competitive titles.
4. Emulators
PC has made playing an old game on the original system obsolete pub intended with all the available emulators.?Emulators maintain the original look, feel, and behavior as well as only a few years behind in more or less perfect emulation of console software. You can save and load gamestates at any given point and use all kinds of display modes that allow your games to run at higher resolution. I was able to play one of my favorite games from my childhood kirbys super star a co-op fun filled battle on the Super Nintendo, what would take me hours and money to get the system and game is now translated into a small download for my friend and I to play on PC.
5. Massive Multiplayers
Computer gaming was for awhile only single players games with rich storylines such as Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, then the bubble popped and we were given something on a massive scale, the first big MMORPG, Ultima Online. Massive Multiplayer games have revolutionized the industry and completely shifted the business model, the games have given players a real sense of community and belonging(sometimes too much). MMO?s harness rich expansive environments that allow players to dive into this virtual worlds for thousands of years of exploration. These games are the most costly to make yet they reap the biggest reward for developers. MMO?s are not just about finding loot they have also transitioned into shooter with large scale fights crammed into an area more carnage then some PC?s can handle. Console has tried several MMO cross-overs such as Final Fantasy 11 but they did not have the same impact and sustained multiple glitches.
6. Mouse & Keyboard
There are many games that benefit tremendously from the precision of mouse input and a whole keyboard of potential shortcut commands. Mouse alone can be set on the fly transition speeds for gaming with the innovation of DPI mouses. Not to mention that the keyboard?s original purpose, typing text, proves very useful for everything from text-based chats to console commands. The PC being such a text-friendly platform also means that monitors (viewed at closer range and higher resolution) allow to show much more information simultaneously than a TV screen. Speaking from my point of view nothing beats that flickshot of a mouse comparing to the slow scroll of a controller.
7. Digital Distribution
Alright, not everybody likes Steam or Windows Live and consoles are opening up their own solution, already offering a wide variety of games online as well. Nevertheless, digital distribution was invented on the PC and is more and more replacing traditional retail sales on the platform. Nowhere else the assortment is so rich. It?s comfortable for gamers and allows small developers to distribute their games quickly and cheaply. I can easily find the newest small developer game such as Forge
8. Indie Game
Indie games have steadily grown in size compared to its counter part of big name studios. While at PAX I managed to visit many indie games as they are starting to become a staple of gamers. Each year more developers are coming out of the wood work, every now and then one of them pops up on Kickstart. While many of the more popular independent productions land on consoles eventually, nothing comes close to following the developments in real time on the web and being able to check out many of the latest games for free.
Source: http://blightgaming.com/2012/10/09/pc-gaming-is-better-the-console/
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