Friday, 19 October 2012

Are You Stressed With Your Online Business?

As entrepreneurs we tend to push ourselves to the limits, and then beyond. We're driven and motivated, and we put all sorts of self-imposed deadlines and expectations on ourselves.

I'm sitting here at my desk looking at my endless task list. Actually, multiple task lists and tons of notes and ideas. I'm sure you can relate and have the same staring you in the face too.

Over the years I've discovered that I experience two very different types of stress. There's positive stress and negative stress. Positive Stress is called Eustress and is based more on perception than circumstances. Good stress drives you forward with a higher level of motivation and determination, unlike DIStress which can seriously hinder your creativity and productivity - and overall sense of well-being...

"Selye argued that persistent stress that is not resolved through coping or adaptation should be known as distress, and may lead to anxiety, withdrawal, and depressive behavior. In contrast, if stress enhances one's functioning it may be considered eustress. Both can be equally taxing on the body, and are cumulative in nature, depending on a person's way of adapting to the stressor that caused it." source

Sometimes all it takes is a simple shift in mindset to turn distress into eustress. Good stress can be a very positive thing, so it's worth exploring ways to ignite that positive response to stressors that might otherwise cause you to shut down in fear or anxiety.

The first step is to analyze your own individual way of dealing with different types of stress. We all handle things differently, so there is no one size fits all solution.

Just as one example, I know that I am more alert and productive in the early morning hours. I tend to get stressed and frustrated if I try to work on creative projects in the afternoon. So it only makes sense for me to PLAN accordingly.

I've also discovered that I work VERY well under pressure. And it has to be a real deadline, not a self-imposed deadline. If I want to get my entire house clean in a matter of a few short hours, all I have to do is invite someone over for dinner. ;-)

Given we're all different, and usually respond to stress subconsciously and automatically (without thinking), it pays to become more aware of your typical responses - and start making conscious choices based on what works best for YOU.

It could be as simple as changing your routine or schedule to increase productivity, like I did after recognizing mornings were my most productive hours. Or you may choose to put REAL deadlines in place.

But just being more aware can have a dramatic affect on how you respond to stress. Stress can ramp you up, or it can shut you down. Stop and ask yourself WHY. Such as why you feel stressed, or why you respond to certain stresses in a particular way. Analyzing what distresses you, and what motivates you, can help you create more positive scenarios - and avoid more of the negatives.

You may have noticed I haven't been blogging in the last two weeks, which is not at all my norm. A few times I had a hit of anxiety over that, but I had to stop and just let it go. I decided nobody was out there holding their breath waiting for my next post (gosh, I hope not anyway! lol). It was a self-imposed expectation only, and not one I was going to allow to derail me or "get me stressed." Period.

Being aware is the first step to taking control. Life can throw all sorts of kinks in our day, from distractions to technical issues. The key is to just keep moving forward. Any progress you make is still PROGRESS. Celebrate what you accomplish instead of lamenting over what you didn't. Plan your day around your peak performance hours. Put motivators in place, and remove negative pressures.

I would love to hear how YOU deal with "stress" in your business, and how you stay motivated and productive day in and day out...



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